jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


Time goes too fast. I have been refelxing of that because at first, I tought that it was a typicall thing that old people use to say when they realize that their lifes have almost passed, but, after thinking about it, I believe that it's true: unfortunately, time goes too fast!
I haven't got any scientifics evidences but I either need them. Time passes too fast, even when you're bad, and above all when you are having a good time. For example, I am sure that when you have been in a bad situation and then, when it has passed, you have said: "well, it hasn't been as long as it could!"; or when you're in a party, the secod time you look at the clock it's time to go home. And why? Because time goes too fast, so, don't waste your life and live the moment!

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